Inspiring Blogger Award?


Say what?? So yesterday, on one of my darker days, I got two nominations for inspiring blogger award.  This seriously came as a shocker since my post have been a bit of a downer lately.  It really lifted my spirits so thank you Christina and Raquel for nominating me!  I have been following Christina for a little bit now and she forced me to accept the girly-girl in me and her post are always so amazing and uplifting.  I just found Raquel’s blog and I can’t wait to see all the wonderful things she has to share with the world!

While I am a little reluctant to accept because of my downer post, I will accept.  I will also use this to inspire me to be more inspiring and less…depressed. lol

On with the rules!

  1. Thank and link the amazing person who nominated you.
  2. List the rules and display the award.
  3. Share seven facts about yourself.
  4. Nominate 15 other amazing blogs and comment on their posts to let them know they have been nominated.
  5. Optional: Proudly display the award logo on your blog and follow the blogger who nominated you.

First of all, here are my 7 facts…this is going to be tough.

  1. I have a favorite word…its Indubitably.  It’s seriously fun to say and took me a few hours to be able to say it properly.
  2. My favorite color is Purple.  With Neon green and Hot pink coming in a close second.
  3. My brother and my mom are my two best friends!  I hang out with them all the time and I am not ashamed of it.
  4. I have a short temper like my dad.
  5. I have been telling everyone that I was a princess from Pluto since I was in elementary school. I’m the queen now…
  6. I am the crazy cat lady…I have somewhere between 15 and 20 cats outside that I feed and talk to every day.
  7. I am still considering  joining the military.

Now to the harder part…I don’t think I even follow 15 bloggers, so this list may be shorter than it should be.  I will start venturing out into the internet world and finding more amazing blogs to follow.  I seem to always find the bloggers that disappear after a few months..

A “Minnie” Blog

Lynette Noni

The Year of Halloween

Erin Lyon

Sarah J. Carlson

Jodie Llewellyn

GHOZT Writer

Write me a book, John


That’s all I got.  All of you inspire me on different levels.  So never stop posting!

7 thoughts on “Inspiring Blogger Award?

  1. christinajavete says:

    YAY! Congrats on your well deserved award!! I’m glad it came at a low time for you, it’s funny how life can be like that ❤
    I would LOVE to see all your cats! Can you take a picture of them standing all around you so that I can feel like I have 15-20 cats?!?! LOL!!
    I enjoyed reading your answers and I'm so happy it lifted your spirits up. You are very inspiring! ❤

  2. Juan Zung says:

    Thank you so much for including me on your “short” list! You definitely deserve your award as your blog has inspired me with your honesty and courage. Looking forward to many more posts to come!

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